How to find us

Young Education Services, James Wolfe Royal Hill Campus
Royal Hill, Greenwich, London, SE10 8RZ

Reception phone (Opening hours only): 07935 422553

We can be found in the Annexe at the back of the playground, NOT in the main school building.

Parking Reminder:

Please note that parking at YES is drop-off & pick-up only. You cannot park & leave your car, or wait for longer than a few minutes, as other groups use the playground for playtimes and it is also our fire assembly point. You are able to park in front of our railings, or next to the wall running along to the gazebo while you drop-off or pick up. Please do not park near the railings or doors to the main building as other school users use these entrances/exits. There is on-street parking available in the surrounding streets on a metered payment system.

Many thanks for your cooperation. The team at Young Education Services.

Below is a Google map that shows the location of the school. If you need directions please click on directions on the map: