Homework Policy
Homework is an important part of education and can add much to a child’s development. The government’s commitment to homework is demonstrated in the 1997 White Paper, ‘Excellence in Schools’, which views homework as ‘an essential part of good education’. Homework is also important because it flags up concerns – difficulties which a student may be experiencing understanding particular topics and practising key skills.
At YES we plan homework carefully alongside work that children do at the centre. We ensure that all activities are appropriate for individual children. We aim for our pupils to develop as independent learners and we believe that homework is one of the main ways in which children can acquire this skill. At YES we also believe that homework is essential in order to help our students make maximum progress academically with the work they have been studying at the centre.
Here are some suggestions to give you an idea of how much time your child should be spending on all homework (including work from YES), and how you can help them:-
- Reception and Years 1 and 2: 15 minutes per day 5 days per week.
- Years 3 and 4: 20 minutes per day
- Years 5 and 6: 30 minutes per day
- Years 7 and 8: 45 to 90 minutes per day
- Year 9: one to two hours per day
- Years 10 and 11: 1.5 to 2.5 hours per day
Please encourage your child to check their work thoroughly before handing it in. You can help by pointing out errors and asking them to correct them. Encourage your child to get their folders and books ready for Young Education Services the day before they are due to attend.
Homework should not always be written work. For younger children it will largely be:
- reading with parents or carers
- informal games to practice mathematical skills
For older children homework activities may include:
- reading
- preparing a presentation to the class
- finding out information
YES is happy for you to support and help your child with their homework. Your child is likely to get more out of an activity if you get involved, as long as you don’t take over too much. If you’re unsure about what your role should be, please contact us on info@youngeducationservices.co.uk.
It is important that homework is completed by each child on a weekly basis. During the lesson the tutor will go through various aspects of English, Maths and sometimes Reasoning with your child. The aim is to make each student understand the principles behind the work set. The student is then required to finish this work pack at home under your guidance. You will note that with each lesson pack, a comments sheet is enclosed. This is for parents to use and return duly signed. Your comments are very helpful to the child’s tutor, as much information about his or her strengths and weaknesses can be gained from them. Please look at your child’s marked returned work. We do try wherever possible to go through corrections or include them in the next week’s questions. It is not always possible in the short time to go through every possible correction. If this is the case, we would ask parents to be supportive in their child’s completion of corrections.
However, if it should be the case that your child hasn’t found time to complete their homework – perhaps because they have been working to finish a school assignment which must be handed in – please do not hesitate to explain to your child’s tutor, either by writing on the comments sheet, contacting us by email or verbally when you see the tutor at the next lesson. The tutor will be fully sympathetic. We are always striving to set the amount of homework which is appropriate for your child and always welcome your comments.
We therefore ask you as parents/carers to encourage your child to complete the homework tasks that are set.
Each week, a child hands in his/her homework to their tutor. It is not marked during that lesson. Sometimes homework takes up to half an hour to mark per piece. This would mean that your child would receive no tutelage! The tutor takes the work with them, marks it during the week and returns it to the child the next time they attend.
Thank you for your support.
Lin Potter and Staff at Young Education Services